The world in 5000 to 200 chapters story
200 mp3 files, sounds is 3000 minutes long
Announcer pronunciation, authentic spoken English
The origin of the human
The bounty of the Nile
Immortal pyramid
The treasure of tutankhamun
Rosetta stone
From TaiYangLi to the Gregorian calendar
Sumer and the dawn of the
"The sparrow footprint" and cuneiform
HanMuLaBi code
David unified Israel
"Amaranthine country" Phoenician
Warrior Assyria
The hanging gardens of Babylon
Three religious origin
Something ba cultures
Indias caste system
The story of the Buddha
MiNuoSi labyrinth
Trojan horse
Homer epic
Brave Sparta
Reformer solon
Aesops fables
The ancient Olympic Games
Defeated by
Marathon campaign
Spawn the hot gates